Saturday, May 19, 2007

Imagine a new face for art!

(hey! what's wrong with the old one! )
hola Carlos! I am here working my fingers quickly...just added a "new face for art" come in today from New Delhi, India and got another coming from a Brazilian woman (who lives in a town near me!! : )
Things are stirring, people thinking. I like that! Think together..I like opportunities that are open deadlines..go on for along time..give people a chance..we all have busy lives..the first time you hear about something, you may not get it..too busy with other things. A few months pass and it hits you. I like opportunities without size limits, no quantity limits surprises..utilizing flickr and Picasa would allow that.
I am thinking of putting up a small shopping cart to click on for handy images

Right click the image, work it over and send back..carrots, assorted potatoes, onions..but we are not limited to veggies at all just stating somewhere..and I am drawn to the idea to take advantage of flickr and Picasa2 for the speed and creative freedom it would allow.
Why couldn't we create a venue which is so surprising and delightful..being fed into from around the world. Where the idea itself leads. catches fire and spreads like a good virus!

In the US there is a web group, American Towns. About a year ago they e mailed everybody (in my town) and it took us awhile to figure them out..but it is pretty select the State and then the town and then there is news, etc but I thought the photos tab was interesting because you could send photos of things related to the town to this particular area of their web site and it is very fast and fun..

The way that you do this, is by signing onto flickr and then when you post your pictures to flickr, you tag them to American Towns, and the town you are in and State, and in addition any other town where you want things seen..maybe this would work for PROJECTS too.
"Change Arts Face" as a tag.

I think I'm going to blog this..send a face Carlos..send a million..we can start to create rivers from all over!
Judy Wray

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